Before “The Seven Year Itch” was released in 1955 and became the iconic Monroe comedy classic we all now know and love, it first came to life on Broadway with none other than Tom Ewell in the male leading role.
Here Tom Ewell is photographed with Vanessa Brown the original actress to play “The Girl” in “Itch.”
“The Seven Year Itch” opened on Broadway at the Fulton Theater on November 20, 1952 and ran for 1,141 performances closing in August of 1955, two months after the June premiere of the Monroe movie.
The Seven Year Itch Broadwat production at the Fulton Theatre , New York , USA , 20 November 1952 13 August 1955 . Written by George Axelrod . Directed by John Gerstad . Shown from left : Tom Ewell , Vanessa Brown .
This is by NO means a comparison between the two leading ladies, there is no doubt that Vanessa gave an incredible performance, It’s just fun to see the similarites and differences between the two.