Marilyn also features in a small segment about train scenes in films.
Marilyn also features in a small segment about train scenes in films.
Alejandro Mogollo Art strikes again with another incredible graphic design depicting Bette Davis as the iconic Margot Channing from “All About Eve.”
“All About Eve” recently celebrated its 70th anniversary, so keep a look out for a tribute to it coming soon!
⭐⭐⭐A Favourite Dress⭐⭐⭐
Marilyn Monroe appeared in the same sweater dress on screen a total of four times throughout 1950.
Marilyn’s wardrobe for first scene in “The Fireball”, in which she is a spectator at a roller derby, came from her own closet. It would get its widest exposure the next time she wore it, which was in the most acclaimed film of the year: “All About Eve.”
The dress then reemerged on Marilyn in the film “Hometown Story”, and then finally in a screen test she made with Richard Conte referred to as “Cold Shoulder” in December 1950.
Source: “Marilyn Monroe: Platinum Fox” by Cindy De La Hoz
Remembering the incomparable Bette Davis, who passed away on this date 30 years ago.
Bette Davis had a long and illustrious career spanning 7 decades. She won the Academy Award for ‘Best Actress‘ twice, was the first person to accrue ten Academy Award nominations for acting, and was the first woman to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Insitute.
Some of her most well known films include “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane?” “Now Voyager,” “Dark Victory,” and “The Virgin Queen.” But it is undoubtably her role as Margo Channing in “All About Eve” that film goers and Marilyn fans remember most as Monroe had a small, but most definitely memorable role as the light headed, but charming Miss Caswell.
Davis said in her autobiography about “All About Eve,”
“I can think of no project that from the outset was as rewarding from the first day to the last. It is easy to understand why. It was a great script, had a great director, and was a cast of professionals all with parts they liked. It was a charmed production from the word go.”
Regarding Miss Monroe:
“I felt a certain envy for what i assumed was Marilyn’s more than obvious popularity. Here was a girl who didn’t know what it was like to be lonely. Then i noticed how shy she was, and i think now that she was as lonely as I was. Lonelier. It was something I felt, a deep well of loneliness she was trying to fill.”
She is buried at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills in California. Her tombstone reads “She did it the hard way.”