Marilyn Monroe’s co-star Don Murray recalls working with the actress on “Bus Stop” from a fairly recent interview he did for CLOSER Magazine

“Marilyn was very kind to me, I thought she was magnificent. I never understood why she was not nominated for an Academy Award.

I had been overseas, so I didn’t know much about her, I was totally taken aback by how important a movie star she was. There was press around all the time because of her.

She had difficulty remembering her lines, so we had to do many takes. Often, when we were doing a scene, she would get so emotionally involved that she’d go off her mark. The director told me to put my hands on her hips and move her to her marks. That’s what I did whenever we were shooting above her waist.

“She was always late. Not 10 minutes, but two hours or half a day! She also took a week off and called in sick, but she was actually having a romance with Arthur Miller at the Chateaux Marmont! It was quite a trial. Being from theater, I wasn’t used to that!”