Marilyn Monroe Facts

While there are many rumors and myths about Marilyn Monroe, this page focuses on certain aspects that are actually true.

MARILYN MONROE’S TRUE SIZE:  A topic of nearly constant debate is Marilyn Monroe’s size.  In 2000, British model and actress Elizabeth Hurley said, “I’ve always thought Marilyn Monroe looked fabulous, but I’d kill myself if I was that fat.”  Was Marilyn fat?  Definitively, the answer is no.  Yes, her weight fluctuated over the years, but she never lost her hourglass figure.  To get the facts on Marilyn’s true size, click here to read an extensive article documenting her dimensions using her own personal clothing pieces.

MARILYN AND PHILANTHROPY:  Marilyn was very generous in her support of various causes. Below are just some of the causes Marilyn donated time and/or money to:

  • 1953: A benefit for underprivileged children cared for by Jude’s Hospital. Marilyn sang with Jane Russell at the Hollywood Bowl
  • 1955: Marilyn worked with WAIF, an organization that placed abandoned children in homes. Jane Russell enlisted Marilyn’s help.
  • 1955: Marilyn’s appearance at a circus sponsored by Mike Todd at Madison Square Garden in New York City benefited the Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. She appeared astride a pink elephant.
  • 1957: Marilyn gave earnings from the world premiere of The Prince and The Showgirl to The Milk Fund for Babies.
  • 1962: Marilyn’s final public appearance was at a muscular dystrophy benefit held at Chavez Ravin Dodger Stadium in Los Angels on June 1, her 36th and final birthday.
  • Marilyn’s final charitable donation was her largest: In her will, she left 25% of her estate to former psychiatrist, Dr. Marianne Kris, “to be used for the furtherance of the work of such psychiatric institutions or groups as she shall elect.” Knowing Marilyn’s enormous love for children, Kris chose the Anna Freud Children’s Clinic of London.

Fact or Fiction?   In 1962, Marilyn visited an orphanage during her trip to Mexico. Her initial donation was $1,000.00. She ripped up the check and replaced it with another for a $10,000.00 donation. That night was one of the few nights in her later life that she recalled sleeping without the aid of sleeping pills.

It’s Fiction:  While it’s true that Marilyn visited an orphanage during her 1962 Mexico trip, there is no evidence in Marilyn’s 1962 financial documentation (now owned by a Marilyn Remembered admin – view here) of having made either donation.

DO YOU WANT TO SEE ME BE HER?  Many people believe Marilyn’s real life imitated that of the “dumb blonde” she portrayed in many of her films.  In fact, this was merely a character that Marilyn created.  It was all an act.  Many people in Marilyn’s personal life have talked about watching Marilyn transform into the character of the blonde sex kitten right before their eyes.  In the YouTube clip below, famed actress, (and Marilyn Remembered Fan Club member when she was alive) Susan Strasberg talks about Marilyn transforming merely by making some “internal adjustments.”